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We believe that connecting people to positivity can make a real difference. That's why we create high-quality content that features uplifting stories from around the world. Whether you're looking for inspiration or simply want to stay informed, we've got you covered with the latest and greatest news and books that celebrate the human spirit.
No matter if one is Muslim, Jewish, or Christian, we adults can learn from our kids.
Spreading Positivity through Media: Our Mission
Healing society, healing minds: How can we achieve it? This website is all about spreading the word of hope, unity, and understanding. My name is David Thelen, I am a believer in possibilities for your life, your loved ones, and our communities, nation, and the world. I will be a person to be a voice to the voiceless, a person to bring like minded people together to fight against loneliness and hate, my political ads will be positive to change the mood from that of hate to goodwill.
My campaign money will be that of listening to you to discover new ideas everything from improving foreign policy, reducing the debt, fight against poverty, strengthening families, reducing suicides, lowering personal debt, enhancing job training, improving health care, and most importantly reduce hate.